General Information
The law librarians and staff strive to assist all those seeking legal information with the use of library printed and electronic materials through the use of in-person reference assistance, printed and electronic research guides and pathfinders, and maintenance of accurate and informative records in the University's online catalog.
Access Policy
The Law Library exists primarily to serve the needs of students, faculty, and staff of the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law. However, the library collection is also available to other University of Arizona faculty, staff, and students, local bar and bench, and members of the general public with a legitimate legal research need. Some library resources, such as the computer lab, digital materials, audio/visual materials, and study rooms are available only to current law students.
All users are required to abide by the Law Library's Conduct Policy, as outlined below. Admission to the library is during regularly scheduled hours only.
Circulation Policies
Many materials in the Law Library do not circulate. Generally, only single volume treatises may be checked out to University faculty, students, and staff. A University of Arizona CatCard is required to check out materials. Members of the general public do not have circulation privileges but are welcome to use materials in the library for their legal research needs.
Materials on Course Reserves may be checked out for two hours for in-library use only. Patrons without a CatCard will be asked to leave a valid form of official identification (e.g., driver's license) at the Reserve Desk until the item is returned.
All checked-out items are subject to recall at any time. Although the Law Library does not impose fines, items are expected to be returned by the date due. Items not returned may result in a block on your borrowing privileges.
The Law Library reserves the right to revoke circulation privileges for anyone abusing these privileges or refusing to follow library policies.
Conduct Policy
The College of Law premises are not a place of unrestricted public access. The use of the College of Law is restricted to faculty, staff and students of the College of Law and to others who have a specific legal research need. (Arizona Board of Regents Policy Manual § 7-201; Resolution Adopted by the College of Law Faculty, 8/29/94).
Users of the Law Library expect to have:
- Access to a wide array of library materials in their entirety and in unmarked condition.
- An atmosphere conducive to study and research.
To ensure a pleasant and productive environment for study and research for all users, the Law Library Conduct Policy expects users to abide by all applicable laws, Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) policies, and University of Arizona policies. Misuse of the library as outlined below is a violation of the ABOR Policy Manual § 5-303 Prohibited Conduct and the ABOR Policy Manual § 5-308 Student Code of Conduct. The Law Library will actively pursue disciplinary action, prosecution or other legal action for the below offenses.
Persons who commit, or attempt to commit, offenses stated in the ABOR Codes of Conduct and the Law Library Conduct Policy, whether a member of the University community or not, may be asked to leave the campus and may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Access of Public Computers
The Law Library has a limited amount of public access computers. These public computers are reserved for those members of the public with specific legal research needs. Personal use of public computers is not permitted. (ABOR Policy Manual § 5-303(16)).
Users may be asked to vacate computers designated for a particular use or clientele if the user is not using the computer for its intended purpose or has been on the computer for an hour or more and there is a legitimate need from another user. Failure to comply with a library staff member's request to vacate a computer is a violation of the Law Library's Conduct Policy. (ABOR Policy Manual § 5-303(14)).
Animals and Pets
No animals or pets are permitted in the Law Library except for service animals (as defined in 28 C.F.R. § 36.104 and A.R.S. § 11-1024), service animals in training, and assistance animals determined to be a reasonable accommodation by the University of Arizona Disability Resource Center (DRC), among others. For more information, visit the DRC's website on animals on campus.
Damage to Library Materials
Mutilating library materials by marking, underlining, removing pages, or damaging or defacing them in any way is prohibited. (ABOR Policy Manual, § 5-303(13); ABOR Student Code of Conduct, § 5-308(F)(14)).
Disorderly Conduct and Disruptive Behavior
Any disorderly conduct or disruptive behavior that materially and substantially interferes with or obstructs the teaching, studying, or learning process, or that interferes with the normal administration and operation of the Law Library, will not be tolerated. (A.R.S. § 13-2904; A.R.S. § 13-2911; University of Arizona Policy, Disruptive Behavior in an Instructional Setting (Policy No. SA-202; ABOR Policy Manual § 5-303 (5); ABOR Policy Manual § 5-308 (F)(11)). Examples of inappropriate behavior include, but are not limited to, the audible use of cellular phones; rowdiness; noise; inappropriate sexual behavior; and offensive or derogatory language.
It is a violation of the Law Library's Conduct Policy to fail to comply with the direction of university officials, including library staff, who are acting in good faith and in furtherance of their duties. (ABOR Policy Manual § 5-303 (14); ABOR Policy Manual § 5-308 (F)(7)).
The Law Library may take steps to exclude persons from the library who engage in illegal behavior or disrupt the University's educational mission. (University of Arizona Policy, Exclusionary Order (Policy No. Fin-401; A.R.S. § 13-2911(A)(3)).
Food and Drink
Food and drink are allowed in the Law Library. Please be considerate of others with respect to the consumption of food and drink and with the removal and recycling of food waste. If you do carry in food or drinks, try to avoid messy foods that may damage library materials and facilities. Bring drinks in appropriate containers. Make sure to place recyclables in recycling bins and non-recyclable garbage in trash cans.
Maintaining personal hygiene or body odor that is so offensive that it constitutes a public nuisance in violation of A.R.S. § 13-2917(A)(1) violates the Law Library's Conduct Policy.
Misuse of Electrical Outlets
Library users may use the library's designated charging station to charge their mobile devices and other electronics. Library users may use other available electrical outlets only if the outlets are not servicing library equipment or being used by maintenance personnel. The library is not responsible for any damage, lost data, etc. resulting from power surges, electrical outages, and other acts.
Off-Hours Access and Trespassing
For the safety of library users and the security of our collections, building access outside of the Law Library's regular hours is restricted to current College of Law students, faculty, and staff. If you are authorized to use the Law Library during off-hours, you must swipe your University of Arizona CatCard at the library door in order to gain access to the building. You may also be required to provide proof of your status as a current UA student, faculty, or staff by a library staff member.
Being in unauthorized areas of the Law Library or remaining in the Law Library or College of Law buildings after closing or when requested to leave (emergency situations and drills included), or otherwise engaging in trespassing as set forth in A.R.S. § 13-502, is prohibited. (ABOR Policy Manual § 5-303 (14), (16); ABOR Student Code of Conduct, § 5-308(F)(7), (9)).
Personal Belongings
Leaving books, materials, or other personal property unattended when leaving the library for any extended period is not permitted. Any unattended belongings are subject to be taken to the Law Library's Lost & Found. All personal belongings should be taken with you when exiting the library. The Law Library is not responsible for any materials left unattended. Bringing in personal belongings not essential to research undertaking (bedrolls, blankets, frame backpacks or large duffel bags, etc.) is not permitted. All library materials will be re-shelved daily. (ABOR Code of Conduct, § 5-303(5), (16); ABOR Policy Manual § 5-308 (F)(9), (11)).
Preventing Access to Library Materials
It is against the Law Library's Conduct Policy to intentionally engage in conduct that would preempt or limit the availability of library materials to other users. Removing or attempting to remove library materials or property without formal check-out or other authorization is not permitted. (ABOR Code of Conduct, § 5-303(5), (12); ABOR Policy Manual § 5-308 (F)(10), (11), (14)).
Using College of Law restrooms for inappropriate purposes, including bathing oneself or washing clothing, is not permitted. (ABOR Code of Conduct, § 5-303(16)).
Sleeping or Loitering
Sleeping or loitering as set forth in A.R.S. § 13-2905 is prohibited. Persons found sleeping or loitering will be asked to leave. (ABOR Code of Conduct, § 5-303(16)).
Using products that contain tobacco or nicotine, including but not limited to cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, and smokeless tobacco, at the Law Library or anywhere on the University of Arizona campus, is prohibited. (A.R.S. § 36-601.01(B); University of Arizona Smoking and Tobacco Policy (SA-301)).
Threatening Behavior
It is a violation of the Law Library Conduct Policy to cause physical harm, or reasonable apprehension of harm, by word or conduct, to any person. (A.R.S. § 13-1202; A.R.S. § 13-2911; ABOR Code of Conduct, § 5-303(2); ABOR Policy Manual § 5-308 (F)(2)).
The use, possession, display or storage of any weapon, dangerous instrument, explosive device, or fireworks, among other things, at the Law Library or anywhere on the University of Arizona campus, except as provided in A.R.S. § 12-781 and other applicable law, is prohibited. No concealed carry permit exempts a person from this policy. (ABOR Code of Conduct, § 5-303(3); ABOR Policy Manual § 5-308 (F)(24); University of Arizona Policy, Weapons on Campus (Policy No. Fin-400)).
Special Collections
Access to Special Collections is by appointment only. To make an appointment, contact Kristen Keck.
Special Collections materials do not circulate. Before using Special Collections materials, patrons must provide a picture ID, such as a driver's license or a University of Arizona CatCard.
Only one Special Collections item may be used at a time. The patron will use materials at a location designated by the issuing staff, generally in the Special Collections reading room, although other areas may be used if library staff feels it is necessary. Patrons may use a laptop or other mobile device to take notes when using Special Collections materials. If notes are to be taken on paper, pencil must be used. Ink is not allowed near Special Collections materials. Food and drink are not allowed in the Special Collections reading room and are not allowed near the materials if being used in another room.
Photocopying is available if it is determined that the process will not damage the materials. All photocopying will be done by staff, and the patron requiring photocopies will supply correct change.
Certain Special Collections materials may not be available for use because of their rarity or physical condition. Staff will make every effort to direct researchers to other copies of the materials in the University Library system, or to other sources.
Last updated: 12.21.2022